Personally I am convinced that in a collaboration, the results must be win-win, where each part provides and gets something from the other. Therefore, for a relationship or collaboration to be a great experience for both parties and culminate effectively and satisfactorily, the mission of the project must be based on Professionalism, honesty, cordiality, goodwill, dynamic and abundant communication, planning, trust, ethics, conscience and empathy, generosity and justice.
It seems that the above is impossible, but it IS NOT, the only thing needed is WILL, to be and behave under all the above principles.
I invite you to collaborate with RODZ + and to belong to a group of quality people, creator of lasting and fruitful relationships.
1. Rodz + assumes itself as an organism that sees in the design a tool to give added value to the products, services and manufacturing processes.
2. RODZ+ gives services for companies and entrepreneurs with a thirst to evolve and grow their products and services through innovation and design.
3. We focus our experience in design and innovation for the development of products and services to benefit people and their communities.
4. We use methodologies and design strategies that have been developed and tested by us through more than 20 years of experience and studies, which has allowed us to understand that each project must have a particular work plan and strategies according to the needs Knowing in advance that any design project requires flexibility, adjustments, and negotiations, within the framework of an orderly and disciplined structure for its correct conclusion in the right time and within budget.
6. Before starting a project, we focus our efforts on "UNDERSTANDING" everything that is necessary around the phenomena that are demanding or generating the project. To be able to select the strategies for its development based on its "PURPOSE"; From the market to which it is directed; It's level of complexity and the infrastructure and budget involved for its development.
7. We avoid working for causes where ethics and respect is an irrelevant factor.